
原名:The Vanishing   又名:恶魔岛(港) / 罪恶岛(港) / 黑夜看守人(台) / The Devil to Pay / Keepers

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:30

在距离崎岖的苏格兰海岸20英里的一个无人居住的岛上,三名灯塔保管员开始了为期六周的值班。当托马斯(彼得•穆兰饰)、詹姆斯(杰拉德•巴特勒饰)和唐纳德(康纳•斯温德尔饰)习惯了安静的日常生活后,一些意想不到的、可能会改变人生的事情发生了——他们偶然发现了黄金。它是从哪里来的?它是谁的?一艘船出现在远处,可能承载着这些问题的答案——接下来是一场激烈的生存之战,在孤立、偏执和贪婪的滋养下,三个诚实的人走上了毁灭之路。Formally known as KEEPERS, The Vanishing is Inspired by the Flannan Isle mystery. A small relief boat approaches the Isle, a tiny isolated island no bigger than a football pitch, 20 miles off a rugged coast. Its aim is to routinely replace the three lighthouse keepers, after 6 weeks alone manning the light. It nears the dock and none of the men greet them. The winch is broken. A call. Nothing. Experienced keepers Thomas, James and Donald have vanished. The lamps are clean and refilled; the table is laid for dinner. There is an upturned chair. Two sets of yellow oilskins are missing...The men were never found.
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