数码宝贝大冒险tri. 第5章:共生

原名:デジモンアドベンチャー tri. 第5章 共生   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:07

看到搭档望月芽心被有着玄内样貌的神秘男人所伤,   缅因猫兽再度开始暴走。   “不能让你诞生在世上…”   从现实世界消失的缅因猫兽,正是歪曲本身。是拥有过于巨大力量的,毁灭世界的钥匙——   西岛大吾以及出现在望月博士之处的黑客兽,逐渐解明真相。   保证世界调和的恒常性将现在变得过于强大的缅因猫兽视为危险,而要将其切除。   随着暴走的缅因猫兽的出现,现实世界开始进入毁灭前的倒计时。   其所波及的地点接连发生异变。因歪曲而现身的数码宝贝们,等待着那一时刻的来临——   被选召的孩子们,受到异常的数码世界排斥,返回现实世界,   却因为与搭档数码宝贝在一起而遭到人们的追赶。众人陷入孤立无援却仍然拼命地寻求对策,与此同时芽心独自一人持续烦恼着。   同伴和数码宝贝的声音,都传达不到因背负过大的负担而遭受打击的她心中…   之后,残酷的命运,甚至逼近了灵魂比任何人都率直纤细的八神光身边——Meicoomon rampages after witnessing Meiko Mochizuki being injured by the man bearing Gennai's likeness. "It would have been better if you hadn't been born..." Meicoomon disappears into the Real World, which has since become distorted. Possessing overwhelming power, she's the key to the world's destruction - Hackmon appears before Daigo Nishijima and Professor Mochizuki, and reveals a shocking truth: Homeostasis is trying to maintain harmony but considers Meicoomon's power to be an existential threat to both worlds. Other Digimon begin appearing through the Distortion. The DigiDestined return to the Real World alienated by the abnormal state of the Digital World. Persecuted by the people, the DigiDestined and their partners are isolated and desperately looking for a way forward. Meanwhile, Meiko continues to bear her burdens alone, deaf to the voices of her comrades. A harsh fate then befalls the pure and sensitive, Kari Kamiya.
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