USA将在《机器人先生》(Mr. Robot)季终集后播出《落梦若水》的特别预览,也就是完整的首集。该剧正式首播是在10月13日。这是电视编剧Henry Bromell(2013年3月去世)生前开发的最后一批项目之一。Blake Masters和《行尸走肉》的执行制片人Gale Anne Hurd参与制片,Juan Carlos Fresnadillo担任导演,剧本由Blake Masters和Henry Bromell(在世时)共同创作。该剧被描述成一部「离奇古怪、令人费解」的悬疑剧,「现实与人的潜意识相互交织」……没错,它在某种程度上有点像《盗梦空间》。The story of three unrelated people, who slowly realize that they are dreaming separate parts of a single common dream. Each of them is on a mysterious and highly personal quest - one is searching for his missing girlfriend, one is searching for a lost child, one is looking to cure his catatonic mother - and it is the clues found in their collective dream that come to guide them. The deeper they dig the more they come to realize that their missions touch on stakes that are much larger than their individual agendas.
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