
原名:Тайна снежной королевы   又名:冰雪女王的秘密 / 奇遇冰雪女王 / The Mystery of Snow Queen / Tayna snezhnoy korolevy

状态:120播放   更新:2023-09-07 02:09:56

主角名叫“冰雪女王”,但是她并不冰冻任何人,不绑架小孩子,不与人类作战。她只是喜欢冬天和雪。她自己的房子由美味,亮晶晶的冰做成的。这个美丽女主有一个代表性的特点,他的生活封闭,不知情感为何物。她从未体验过任何情感,特别是爱情。她知道知道爱情的存在,所有人都经历过。周围的人认为冰雪女王有一个魔咒。但是她并不相信这愚蠢的东西,只是等待命运将会赋予她的东西。格达和她的北方鹿亚力克一同启程,寻找她的弟弟凯,他被冰雪女王给带去了冰雪王国。根据安德森最著名最受欢迎的情节,在勇气和爱的火光庇护下,火光在她的心中燃烧,这个女孩开始了她通往冰雪女王王国的神秘冒险旅程。Gerda along with her northern deer Yaleko is setting off on a journey, looking for her brother Kai, which has been taken away by the Snow Queen, to her Frozen Kingdom. Following the plot of the most famous and beloved Andersen's fairy tale, being protected by the fire of the courage and love, burning in her soul, the girl undergoes the magical and dangerous adventures on her way to the Snow Queen's Palace.
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