
原名:コウノドリ   又名:Kounodori / 雙面醫生(港)

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 09:02:48

东京都一处Live House中,艺名Baby的音乐家忘我地用钢琴演奏着梦幻曼妙的旋律。很少有人知道,这个男子还有另一个身份,那就是某综合医疗中心的产科医生鸿鸟樱(绫野刚 饰)。鸿鸟技艺精湛,艺术绝伦,无论多么危急复杂的情况下都能作出冷静准确的判断,而且他的性格温柔,对工作极其尽职尽责,即使正在演奏的过程中,一旦接到医院的电话也会立即中止演出赶回医院。当然,专业负责的医疗团队更是不可或缺。28岁的女性医生下屋加江(松冈茉优 饰)、助产士小松留美子(吉田羊 饰)、鸿鸟的同期四宫春树(星野源 饰)都是他最值得信赖的伙伴。暖意浓浓的产科病房,因为有了这群人而充满爱和希望……   本片根据铃木祐树的同名小说改编。Sakura Konotori is a gynecologist and also a pianist known as "Baby". He is the leader of a ob-gyn team and respected by his peers. One day, he begins to play the piano at a club in Tokyo. 10 minutes later, he stops playing and takes a call from the hospital on whether to accept a pregnant woman. He rushes to the hospital. The pregnant woman has never had an examination and the hospital isn't even sure how many months she has been pregnant. Sakura decides to accept the pregnant woman even though there is high risk. He asks the Neonatology team for help. Takayuki Imahashi is the leader of the Neonatology team and he prepares for the woman to give birth.