
未知 日本  2015  日语 

原名:一千兆円の身代金   又名:千兆赎金

状态:28播放   更新:2023-06-17 04:06:51

原作是作家八木圭一的同名小说,讲述了香取慎吾饰演的男主角诱拐了前副总理大臣的孙女(本田望结饰),向副总理提出与日本的财政赤字相同的1085兆日元作为赎金,要求其公开为财政赤字谢罪的悬疑故事。Hiraoka Naoto kidnaps Shinoda Mayu, the grandchild of the ex Deputy Prime Minister Kunitake Yoshikazu, and sends out the ransom letter to 20 media companies. He also calls Mayu's mother, Shinoda Yumi, demanding the same ransom - 1.085 quadrillion yen, the same amount by which the country's budget deficit came to in the previous fiscal year. n his ransom note, Naoto writes, \"If this 1.085 quadrillion is given out to the common people, it will help to reduce the inflation caused by the budget deficit. If you cannot raise the money, then by all means, issue a public apology and take responsibility for the economic crisis that we are in now\".
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