
原名:掟上今日子の備忘録   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 09:02:55

某公司丢失了一枚存有商业机密的SD卡片,一时间办公室内吵吵嚷嚷,而临时工隐馆厄介(冈田将生 饰)首当其冲受到怀疑。厄介人如其名,从小就遭遇了无数令人匪夷所思的厄运,甚至连陨石坠落这种小概率事件他也没能躲过,当然厄运也让他的学业和事业饱经挫折。为了证明清白,他通过神秘的侦探事务所管理人绊井法郎(及川光博 饰)联系到了奇怪的侦探掟上今日子(新垣结衣 饰)。今日子留着银色的头发,浑身上下记满笔记。她只接受当日预约,所有案件保证当天解决,更为奇怪的是据说她睡了一觉后记忆就会自动清零。在今日子的帮助下,厄介成功洗刷清白,而他对这个与众不同的女孩隐隐有了好感,当然他们的羁绊绝不会就此终结……   本片根据西尾维新的“忘却侦探系列”改编。Kyoko Okitegami is a private detective. She is known as the Forgetful Private Detective. When she wakes up in the morning, her memory is reset. Due to this, she rigidly adheres to a maintenance secret. No matter what case she has, she has to solve the case in a day. On her body, she has an important note that she must never forget. Even though Yakusuke Kakushidate has a crush on Kyoko Okitegami, he is alway mistaken as the culprit of a case by Kyoko Okitegami. No matter how close Yakusuke Kakushidate gets to Kyoko Okitegami, she totally forgets about him by the next day.