
原名:Батальонъ   又名:女团 / Batalon / Battalion / The Battalion / The Battalion of Death

状态:正片   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:50

1917年春。二月革命改变了俄国的生活和第一次世界大战的进程。俄国皇帝退位。与德国的战争持续了不止一年。布尔什维克在战壕中进行宣传,并呼吁与敌军讲和。没有“士兵委员会”的批准,俄国军官们无权作出任何决定。军队处在最终解散的边缘。   为了提高士气,按临时政府的命令,组建了玛丽娅•博奇卡廖娃指挥下的女子“敢死营”。“敢死营”以自己的行动做出了勇敢和和谐的榜样,提升了士气,并证明,这些女英雄配得上“俄国英雄”称号.......February 1917 revolution has affected mode of life in Russia and changed the course of Great War. Monarch has abdicated. In trenches, were the confrontation with Germans lasts for several years, Bolsheviks are very active with their propaganda. They call for making peace with enemy. Russian officers can actually do nothing without approval of so-called Soldiers Committees. The army is just near the stage of complete degradation. By order of Russian Provisional Government, attempting to strengthen the spirit, the female Death Battalion is established. In charge of the Battalion - Cavalier of St. George Maria Bochkareva. Death Battalion give the lead of courage, fortitude and composure, stiffen the spirit of soldiers and prove, that each of the female hero is worthy of the Warrior Title.
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