
原名:我是杜拉拉   又名:杜拉拉大结局 / 杜拉拉

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:01

正当而立之年的职场女性杜拉拉(戚薇 饰),其人生可谓顺风顺水。作为某公司人力资源部经理,她行事干练,果断精明,不出意外的话将在近期升任人事总监。爱情方面,温柔体贴的老公王伟(王耀庆 饰)对她呵护有加,关怀备至。如此完满的人生,如果能一直这样继续下去该多好。无奈天不遂人愿,有海外留学经验的空降兵凯西(王汀 饰)突然到来,其实力与杜拉拉不遑多让,成为竞争人事总监职位的强劲对手。更令杜拉拉想不到的是,凯西居然与丈夫一家还是旧相识,尤其婆婆对凯西还尤其欣赏。   墙里墙外同时起火,杜拉拉该如何跨越这道难关……Everything is going great for Du Lala (Stephy Qi). Now in her 30s, the insecurities of her younger years are behind her. She is happily married to Wang Wei (David Yao-Qing Wang) and is the HR manager at work and about to face a promotion to become the HR director. But Lala's complacent life is challenged when a new employee shows up in the form of Kathy (Ting Wang), a beautiful woman in her 20s whose professional star shines brighter than Lala's.
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