
原名:情满四合院   又名:邻里一家亲 / 傻柱 / The Love of Courtyard

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:49

本剧讲述了从上世纪六十年代到九十年代发生在北京四合院里的故事。何雨柱是钢厂食堂的厨师,为人善良仗义却口无遮拦,人称“傻柱”。同院住着钢厂工人秦淮茹,她讲孝道,又能干,膝下有一儿两女,但丈夫因工伤去世,日子过得比较艰难。院里住着钢厂放映员许大茂,为人自私自利,跟傻柱是对头。院里还住着三位受人尊敬的老工人,人称“三位大爷”,一旦院里发生邻里纠纷,都由三位大爷协调解决。傻柱看似不着调,却心地善良,不仅对秦淮茹一家的生活资助颇多,还为孤寡老人聋奶奶养老送终。傻柱在与邻里之间的相处中逐渐成熟起来,有了男人的责任与担当。在改革开放的春风下,傻柱开办饭店,并把四合院改建成养老院,和所有的“邻里家人”幸福和睦地生活在一起。The nostalgic account of the lives of the Beijing working class residing in the ghetto-ish quad-court from the late 60s to the early 90s. The stories are told around a frank and outspoken factory canteen chef nicknamed \"Shazhu\" (dumb pole), a widowed single mother of 3 young children, who eventually become Shazhu's wife, a cunning and snobbish theatre projectionist who is Shazhu's life long foe, as well as the various characters inside and outside the old quad-court, as they navigate through the Cultural Revolution, the economic reform, and the blooming 90s.
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