
剧情 悬疑  中国台湾  2014  未知

原名:時下暴力   又名:

状态:176播放   更新:2023-06-17 07:06:36

私立聖誠高中發生一樁震驚社會的體罰事件,讓原本平靜的校園掀起了前所未有的驚人風暴。熱舞社風雲人物小艾重傷送醫,導致全校學生憤慨難平,此時同班同學李倫樺決意主導罷課行動,挺身為自己心儀的對象捍衛正義。但在帶領學生抗爭老師的同時,他卻意外發現自己逐步落入一個精心設計的圈套,所有的惡意都是有預謀地針對他而來!面對崩解的信任和曝光的秘密,小樺成爲事件真相的關鍵人物,而一切又詭異地與他三個月前撿到的古老劇本極為相似,到底如出一轍的情節發展是巧合還是陰謀?又或是有另一股神秘力量在背後默默操縱?逐步揭露的真相,考驗著每一個人的選擇。峰迴路轉的劇情就像拼圖,不到最後一刻,絕對無法揭露《時下暴力》的全貌。A group of students accuse a teacher of severe corporal punishment that sent Qin Ai- Lin (Li Shao-Chieh) to the hospital. Unsatisfied with the school's handling of the matter, the students, led by Ai-Lin's friend and admirer Li Lun-Hua (Lu Ming-Yao), escalate their protests while the accused teacher denies wrongdoing. As the scandal grows, Lun-Hua notices that the events surrounding them are eerily similar to the play he is reading. Interspersing play scenarios with the film's narrative, Conspiracy depicts with verve how lies and obsession spiral out of control into persecution and violence.
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