《唐顿庄园》第六季将是它的最后一季。此前,剧集的联合制作人盖瑞斯·尼姆在接受采访时就表示,该剧会在第六季后“随时剧终”,如今这一言论最终成为现实。 《唐顿庄园》从2010年开播至今,一直是英国观众非常喜爱的作品,但随着剧情拉长,收视率已经大不如前,这也是该剧选择剧终的其中一个原因,不过对于普遍偏短的英剧来说,《唐顿庄园》坚持到六季已经是个不小的规模了。 据报道,《唐顿庄园》的不少演员合约都只签到了第六季,并且有很多主创都已经开始准备投入新作品的创作中去了。尤其是编剧兼制作人朱利安·费罗斯,早在几年前就已经开始准备自己的NBC新剧《流金岁月》,但一直碍于《唐顿庄园》的续订而没能抽出身来,现在也能够全身心的投入到新剧的制作。Downstairs Mrs Hughes makes a strange request of Mrs Patmore regarding her forthcoming nuptials whilst Anna, hoping for a child with John, realizes a problem of her own though she does get potentially-good news from the police. However, talk of necessary economic measures at the abbey has the staff fearing for their jobs, especially when a neighbouring estate has to be sold. Upstairs a blackmailer threatens to expose Mary's fling with Gillingham whilst Edith has a more pleasant dilemma in whether or not to move to London to run the publishing house. Elsewhere Violet and Isobel lock horns over the future of the local hospital.
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