
原名:모던 파머   又名:现代农夫 / 摇滚情人(台) / Modern Farmer

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:51

虽然身为摇滚乐队EXSO的队长和主唱,但李敏基(李洪基 饰)却并不是什么风光的人物,想象中那种花天酒地灯红酒绿的生活离他十分遥远,每一天,他都要为了填饱羞涩的囊袋风餐露宿、四处奔波。和他并肩作战的,还有键盘手姜赫(朴敏雨 饰)、贝斯手柳韩哲(李时言 饰)和鼓手韩奇俊(郭东延 饰)。   尽管四个年轻人从来都没有放弃过梦想,但梦想显然已经抛弃了他们,终于,经济上的巨大压力让乐队濒临解散的临界点,就在这时,乐观的李敏基做出了一个惊人的决定,他打算带着三个好友杀回农村,靠种大白菜积累原始资本,按兵不动,待到时机成熟时再度杀回摇滚界。In search of inspiration, rock band "Excellent Souls" - Lee Min Ki (Lee Hong Ki), Kang Hyeok (Park Min Woo), Yoo Han Cheol (Lee Si Un) - goes on hiatus deep in the countryside. To their surprise, the village elder is none other than Kang Yoon Hee (Honey Lee), a zippy woman who's not only the town's first female leader, but also the youngest. She also just so happens to be bandleader Min Ki's first love. Amidst a rural backdrop, these scrappy rockers take stock of what stirs their passions - both musical and romantic.