
原名:마녀의 연애   又名:A Witch's Love

状态:完结   更新:2024-03-15 11:03:58

干练坚强的潘智妍(严正花 饰)是供职于实事专门周刊《麻烦制造者》的探查取材组组长。她工作忘我,执着不挠,凭着一股子拼命三郎的劲头最终成为该周刊的头号记者。可想而知,这样一个在事业上花开万朵的女强人,恋爱之路就没有那么光鲜照人了。自从某次意外后,她和英俊帅气却工作没有着落的尹东夏(朴瑞俊 饰)便隔三差五遭遇。人生境遇和年龄的巨大差异,并没有挡住命运的殷殷安排。时不时扑面袭来的各种事件,让智妍和东夏越走越近。一个是在新闻界翻云覆雨的强悍魔女,一个是四处打工搵生活的小男生,奇妙的爱情故事就这样自然而然地发生了……   本片翻拍自台剧《败犬女王》。Based on the popular Taiwanese drama, My Queen! Despite her witchy reputation at work, 39-year-old tabloid reporter Ban Ji Yeon (Uhm Jung Hwa) is ultra focused on her job. What her colleagues don't know, however, is that the source of her prowess is a broken heart: Since being stood up by her ex-fiance, Ji Yeon has completely written off romance. But in a rare moment of vulnerability, a 25-year-old jack of all trades named Yoon Dong Ha (Park Seo Joon) becomes her unlikely hero. Will they act on their intense sexual tension, or is age a dealbreaker?