
原名:迴光奏鳴曲   又名:Exit

状态:高清   更新:2023-09-07 12:09:51

独居在高雄家中的玲子正面临更年期,女儿在外地求学鲜少返家,丈夫长期在中国大陆经商。她独力照顾住院的婆婆时,同病房新住进一名眼部受创的男子,勾起她寂寞内心的怜悯。突然遭逢失业的玲子开始偷偷照顾男子,藉以填补自己的空虚,受困的人生是否能找到出口?   《蓝色大门》资深摄影师钱翔以诗意影像,在首部电影长片中投射出人生的迴光。Ling (Chen), a Taiwanese woman in her forties has just lost her job in a garment factory. She spends most of her time taking care of her hospital-bound mother- in-law. Her absent husband, working in Mainland China, never returns her calls and her rebellious teenage daughter pays no attention to her. Frustrated and weary, Ling is unexpectedly diagnosed with early-onset menopause after noticing her periods have stopped. Desperate to escape her mundane life, she becomes aware of an injured man with bandaged eyes in the hospital bed opposite her mother-in-law. Her increasingly intimate interactions with this stranger promise to rekindle Ling's dormant desire, leading to a series of out-of-character episodes. Flashed with moments of black humour, EXIT is a genuine portrait of a woman trapped between two generations, struggling between tradition and modern society.
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