
未知 德国  2011  德语 

原名:Die Tänzerin - Lebe Deinen Traum   又名:Born to Dance

状态:正片   更新:2023-09-07 02:09:49

安娜家和她最好的朋友米莱娜被邀请面试的维也纳国家芭蕾舞团,双方即将实现自己的梦想。这种机会只出现过因为一名剧团已经消失了-思想安娜试图从她的脑海。也许这悲惨的失踪原因的芭蕾舞导演成为治疗安娜这样毫不掩饰的敌意…这是够困难的安娜米莱娜是考虑到该公司而不是她,但当她的朋友严重受伤下降-和安娜被指责为它-负担难以承受。当督察马杜西卡到歌剧院调查神秘死亡的舞台经理,他相信这不是意外。他发现了一个秘密,死者已精心收集的亲密细节每个人参与的歌剧院。特别是揭示材料暴露之间的前芭蕾舞明星成为和安娜的父亲!同样令人不安的图片挂在墙上的安娜的母亲,另一个著名的芭蕾舞演员,神秘地把她自己的生活在几年前。甚至有文件在室参考安娜。看来,安娜即将成为下一个受害者…ANNA is a dancer with heart and soul. She practices every day together with her best friend MILENA to fulfill her life's dream: to become a member of the Corps de Ballet. But on the day of her big audition, her dream becomes a nightmare. After the opera's stage manager has a deadly accident right before the audition, it's a shock to everyone when it is not Anna who gets the job offer from the former prima ballerina and reserved Ballet manager HRDLICKA, but Milena. Regardless of her defeat, Anna puts on a brave smile for her best friend and is comforted by the attractive TOM, who has only shortly been working as a light technician at the opera. But then, another terrible accident: Milena falls down the stairs and is hurt badly; her career at an end. Anna takes Milena's place in the Corps de Ballet and is henceforth confronted with Hrdlicka's blatant resentment that shows no constraint in humiliating Anna. Could the price of success possibly be too high...?
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