
原名:ノーゲーム・ノーライフ   又名:No Game No Life

状态:12集全   更新:2024-03-15 11:03:58

空(松冈祯丞 配音)和白(茅野爱衣)是网络世界里人尽皆知的传奇人物,两人在虚拟的战斗中所向披靡,甚至被称为传说一般的存在。然而,在现实世界中,兄妹两人却是连家门都不敢出的“御宅族”,患有严重的人群恐惧症。   某日,空和白收到了一位陌生少年传来的讯息,因而被召唤到了异世界中 ,在这里,人类种、森精种、天翼种和机凯种生活在同一片土地之上,这里没有战争和暴力,有的只是一场又一场无休无止的游戏,一切利益和权利,皆由游戏的结果决定。弱势的人类种在游戏中节节败退最终蜗居在最后一片净土之上,空和白的到来能否改变这悲惨的现状?Two siblings are known to be two of the mysterious blank gamers they are called this because they never fill in their name. Blank gamers are considered to be the best gamers in the world having never lost a game no matter what game. The two siblings one day get a mysterious email and finally teleported onto an other world. The God of this world stated that their be no wars, no stealing and no violence instead everything is decided with a game, any game.
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