
原名:就是要你愛上我   又名:Just You

状态:77播放   更新:2023-12-06 10:12:50

GAZE公司执行长齐翼(炎亚纶 饰)是个极度吹毛求疵的“狮子”,因为他颁布的“禁爱令”,使得程亮亮(郭雪芙 饰)的好姐妹梁凯特与男友爱力克斯不能结婚。为了给凯特报仇,程亮亮与姐妹淘普林西丝,制定了名为“猎狮行动”的计划,其目的就是让“狮子执行长”齐翼爱上亮亮,进而解除这 道冷血禁爱令。   因为种种原因,程亮亮与“狮子”齐翼同居了。这段同居日子里,程亮亮不仅要忍受着齐翼所有的刻薄要求,还要化解各种因同居引起的矛盾以及危机,只因她心中有一个任务,就是要“狮子”爱上自己。冷血动物齐翼,心中那道禁爱令,是否被战斗力百分百的程亮亮打破?Revolves around Cheng Liang Liang who after some unfortunate events end up living in the same house as her new boss, Qi Yi. Qi Yi's strict policies in the workplace isn't sitting well with Liang Liang so she and her friends come up with a plan to get rid of him by making him fall in love with her. But what will happen when Liang Liang starts to see another side to Qi Yi..
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