
原名:獣神演武-HERO TALES-   又名:

状态:26集全   更新:2023-09-03 12:09:07

時為亂世。   在帝國戰亂時期,有著一群在亂世裡領導民眾的七星英雄「北辰天君」。其中被稱為「二天神尊」的破軍與貪狼有著相互激烈對峙的宿命存在,原本被推斷在同一時代不會同時出現,但命運的齒輪卻出現了異變。   在賢帝國全體艱難地苟延殘喘的現今,有著毫不相容、弓箭相向的「二天神尊」破軍・岱燈獅麗與貪狼・慶狼的存在。各自為了各個國家與自身國家的和平而貫徹自身的正義且互不相容。   在宿命的名義下,上天到底會選擇哪一邊的正義呢──。Lord Keiro, the Shogun of the Xian Empire, blazes a trail of terror while seeking the sacred sword that will make him a god. Standing in his way is Taito, a powerful star reborn in human form who vows to use his strength to avenge those slaughtered by Keiro. To complete his journey, Taito must seek others like him: the seven star-born warriors with the strength to shatter a corrupt empire.