
原名:西游记续集   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 12:02:03

经过九九八十一难,唐僧(徐少华 饰)师徒四人终于到达灵山,求取真经。修得正果,师徒一行驾云回到都城长安,见到唐王李世民(张志明 饰),并向其讲述了取景的经过。话说这一路真可谓艰难险阻,困难重重。通天河有灵感大王阻断行程,伤害性命;狮驼岭又有来自灵山的三神兽为妖作怪;期间更有师徒心生嫌隙,导致六耳猕猴趁虚而入,上演真假美猴王的好戏;更有金平府犀牛怪假冒佛祖,欺世盗名,引来天兵天将除妖。这万里艰辛,一言难尽……   本片根据中国古典四大名著之一的《西游记》改编,当年囿于经费等原因,老版《西游记》并未全部拍完,《西游记续集》补全了缺失的部分。As book story, written in the 1940 the story of the Monkey King and the quest to find the kingdom in the west, that later became a series in 1986. In the year 2000 came the movie as a tribute the story that has been going since the 80s and 90s. Li Po Lung return as the Monkey King to finally find their kingdom in the west. As his allies he go through his journey with Pigsy and the human Monk.
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