
原名:Religulous   又名:荒天下之大教(港) / 跨世纪大谎言(台) / 标叔出城之与神驳咀

状态:DVD中字   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:11

“信仰,是一种不需要思考的美德”   美国电影明星兼脱口秀主持人比尔•马赫(Bill Maher)携摄制组走访了天主教、基督教、摩门教、科学教派、拜大麻教、犹太、穆斯林等不同信仰宗教的圣地和代表人物,援引被采访宗教的教义和掌故对受访者进行“责难”与“攻击”,通过一场场机智狡黠的交锋,隐藏在宗教外衣后面的私欲和荒谬被慢慢揭露出来。影片借比尔之口阐述了当下各种宗教所存在的荒诞和误区,以及由此引发的难以挽回的恶果……   本片荣获2008年电影预告片金像奖最佳纪录片海报。Bill Maher interviews some of religion's oddest adherents. Muslims, Jews and Christians of many kinds pass before his jaundiced eye. Maher goes to a Creationist Museum in Kentucky, which shows that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time 5000 years ago. He talks to truckers at a Truckers' Chapel. (Sign outside: "Jesus love you.") He goes to a theme park called Holy Land in Florida. He speaks to a rabbi in league with Holocaust deniers. He talks to a Muslim musician who preaches hatred of Jews. Maher finds the unlikeliest of believers and, in a certain Vatican priest, he even finds an unlikely skeptic.
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