
原名:Kampfansage - Der letzte Schüler   又名:The Challenge

状态:262播放   更新:2023-09-03 01:09:50

在一连串的自然灾害和经济崩溃之后,世界变得混乱和无序,军阀们用暴力行使他们的权力。城市的废墟中挤满了被抢劫一空的孤儿。博斯克是一个军阀,冷血无情,沉迷于用武术来完美他的力量。博斯克和他的好色同伴克雷奥杀死了大师撒齐,抢走了一本关于武术的圣书。琼恩是撒齐的弟子,得到师傅的关爱和所有真传,在他躲过了博斯克的黑手后,决定回到城市,找博斯克了结。在他的朋友们的帮助下,他们决心要结束博斯克的统治。然而不幸的是,琼恩的朋友马尔他因为妒忌,而出卖了他们。经过种种磨难后,他们终于战胜了博斯克,为黑暗的时代带来了一丝曙光。Welcome to the future. Civilization has been obliterated by natural catastrophes and global economic collapse. In the rotting skeletons of once great cities, the remnants of mankind struggle to survive under the brutal reign of vicious warlords who rule by fear and the power of the fist. The only hope for a courageous band of street urchins is the brave fighter Jonas, the last surviving keeper of the secrets of an ancient martial arts dynasty. Jonas must challenge the heartless Bosco in a fight for freedom or death ... only then can he become master of mankind's destiny.
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