
原名:惡作劇之吻   又名:恶作剧之吻第一部 / 梦幻华尔兹 / イタズラなKiss~惡作劇之吻~ / It started with a Kiss

状态:完结   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:13

故事从一场告白开始。袁湘琴(林依晨饰)是一个单纯开朗傻得可爱的女学生。在高中的开学典礼上她看到代表新生致词的江直树(郑元畅饰),便深深喜欢上了这个外表冷漠倔强IQ200的天才。在快毕业的时候,湘琴终于鼓起勇气,决定向这个暗恋了2年多的男生告白,却在大庭广众之下因为鲁莽而被拒绝。谁料祸不单行,湘琴家的房子又因二级地震震倒。湘琴与相依为命的父亲已一无所有,正当穷困潦倒之际,却偶遇了同是袁父国中好友的阿利叔叔和她的妻子,并被邀请到其家同住。而更令湘琴吃惊的是,自己居然要和江直树开始“同居”的生活。   湘琴艰辛的爱情之路由此展开。面对着这个自己从第一眼就认定并爱了五年的男生,湘琴能将他冷漠的心门打开吗?这样一个执着的女生,最后能追求到想要的爱情吗?Academically challenged high-schooler, Yuan Xiang Qin (Ariel Lin) musters up the courage to confess her love to Jiang Zhi Shu (Joe Cheng), a genius with an IQ of 200, only to be rejected by him in front of the entire school. After an earthquake leaves them homeless, Xiang Qin and her father are taken in by an old college friend, Uncle Li, who just so happens to be Zhi Shu's father. Zhi Shu remains cold, thinking Xiang Qin is one of the dumbest people he has ever encountered. Xiang Qin, on the other hand, is determined to improve herself and slowly win him over.