
原名:7급 공무원   又名:七级公务员 / 秘密男女传 / 秘密男女战 / 비밀남녀전 / 7th Grade Civil Servant

状态:20集全   更新:2024-02-05 10:02:05

勤工俭学一天有3份兼职的庆子(崔江熙 饰),和富二代的韩弼勋(朱元 饰)二人阴差阳错的因为一次相亲而相遇。弼勋喜欢射击、赛车和格斗,喜欢一切都够提升自己体力和身体素质的运动;而庆子则是个独立性极其强大正直无比的女性型。看似价值观很不一样的二人却共有一个梦想,那就是成为像007一般的人。二人的第二次相遇是在国情局的面试中,而二人都毫无疑问的通过的面试。于是一场既惊险又爆笑的特工故事就此正式拉开的序幕。而弼勋认为庆子是他命中注定的那个人,甚至连算命的都这么说。   但通往爱情的道路毕竟不是那么简单,而工作上的惊险虽然让二人直呼过瘾,但有时也不免疲惫和令人担忧。最终,故事的走向会如何呢?Gil Ro (Joo Won) is someone who as a child saw a Bond 007 movie and from them on grew up with the dream of becoming a spy and works very hard and give everything to achieve his goal. Because his father became rich overnight, he lived a luxurious and abundant life since young. Not only is he benevolent and merciful towards others, Gil Ro is also handsome and is someone who truly is "Gangnam Style". After he finally becomes a national intelligence agent, he fights hard to overcome all obstacles. Meanwhile, Kim Seo Won (Choi Kang Hee) is an smart agent with brawn and looks but lacking in wealth. She's works hard to support her family financially
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