
原名:Das Frauenhaus   又名:Blue Rita / Le Cabaret des filles perverses

状态:正片   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:53

余娜除了管理一个附带妓院的流行夜总会外,她还为几个犯罪组织和情报局工作。在一次严刑拷打后,余娜变成了性冷感,她试图注射药物入下体来恢复性欲。她憎恨男人,对于落入她手里的政客, 间谍或其他人,她和她的女同性恋性奴隶都毫不留情地对待。Nightclub owner and erotic dancer Rita Blue uses her place as a front for working undercover as a spy. Motivated by her vehement hatred of men that stems from having been sexually abused as a child, Rita and her seductive female cohorts not only gleefully torture guys as a means to obtain vital information, but also manhandle wealthy men in order to make them hand over their fortunes to them.
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