
原名:回路   又名:Irreversi

状态:高清正片   更新:2023-09-03 06:09:42

刘志明(刘恺威 饰)是一家高科技电子公司的老板,经过了多年的辛苦打拼,志明总算是在商场中有了一席之地,再加上一个娇俏可人的女友韦嘉千(王宇婕 饰),同时坐拥财富和美人的志明可谓是同事和朋友们羡慕的对象。   在经融风暴来临之际,眼明手快的志明高价将公司售出,因此赚得盆满钵满,好事成双,之后,他迎娶了韦嘉千,夫妻两人过起了充满了甜蜜与幸福的小日子。可是,随着时间的推移,志明觉得韦嘉千的性格变得越来越奇怪,她先是疑神疑鬼,之后又怀疑自己死去的哥哥和丈夫有着千丝万缕的关联。韦嘉千的古怪和家庭生活的不幸让从来没有尝过失败滋味的志明起了杀心。To everyone else, Adam seems like the luckiest guy in the world. His high-tech company sold for a fortune so he's an overnight millionaire, and then he married Lynda, his long-time girlfriend and the woman of his dreams. However, after honeymoon is over, some problems creep into the marriage such as Lynda finding out Adam is sterile so they can't have children. Worst of all, Lynda begins to suspect Adam might have been responsible for the death of her only brother. Those accusations push Adam over the edge so he begins contemplating the unthinkable - murdering his wife.
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