
原名:Z.O.E Dolores, i   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:35

詹姆斯在被安排下接下了一件运输工作,但在运输途中发现货物是瑞雪儿交给自己保管的新型机械人---德罗蕾丝,并遭到警察的调查和火星秘密组织的攻击,警察被杀………由于警察被杀的事嫁祸到詹姆斯头上,抛下德罗蕾丝,逃回地球的詹姆斯被捉,而且还连累了雷欧和诺耶鲁被捕,但在押送途中都 被德罗蕾丝所救,但他们被通缉了。商量后他们决定前往火星寻找瑞雪儿。   他们找到了旧火箭“咻”,与博物馆长合力修好后乘火箭冲出太空,但遭到埋伏。詹姆斯驾驶德罗蕾丝做掩护但误中敌计,受到严重损伤,停留在转运站。詹姆斯去约定地找子女,可是此时雷欧和诺耶鲁分别被火星秘密组织和警察所捕。由于发生异常停电,得以逃脱的雷欧发现了通过电力复元的德罗蕾丝,找到詹姆斯后救出了诺耶鲁,惊险中他们乘詹姆斯的运输船离开转运站开始了真正的旅程。   这里只是他们离开地球的过程,是他们的出发点,故事才刚开始。James Links is a 49-year-old space trucker anxious to return to Earth and reunite with his estranged children Leon and Noel. While transporting some goods to Earth, he stumbles upon "Dolores," a highly-advanced Orbital Frame with an A.I. of unknown origin. The situation gets more complicated when inspectors aboard his ship are murdered and James is wanted for the crime. Making matters worse is that Leon and Noel are also wanted by the authorities simply because they are James' children. Now as fugitives running from the law, James, Leon and Noel must go by any means necessary to make sure Dolores does not fall into the wrong hands, as she holds the key to the whereabouts of James' wife, Dr. Rachel Links.