
原名:Elysium   又名:极乐星球大战

状态:高清   更新:2023-09-03 04:09:55

在未来的2113年的地球,Van除了是意大利薄饼速递员外,亦是爱好波子机的玩家。由于Van在女友Lydia前成为波子机大赢家,岂料此时地球受到Elysium袭击,Van从此失去女友及地球。Van由怒转化成恨,并挺身而出参与拯救地球之战,但讽刺的是,他在垂死之时由Elysium敌方女军人Nix所救。   一天,Van听到神秘使者Son-Ra的呼唤,令Van加入成为四位命运注定拯救地球的成员之一。因此,Van踏上征途,为地球与Elysium展开终极之战!Elysium is the name of a planet which is to invade Earth. A scientist newly found this planet around AD 2113, which is located at the end of the Galaxy and they gave it the name of Elysium. The story is about the message, only love for humanity can save the earth. But, the humans, in an aggressive and resistant historical situation with the motive of brave warrior's adventures, saving the human race from the attacks of outer world.
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