
原名:Fresh Kill   又名:

状态:17播放   更新:2023-09-03 07:09:43

從台灣的海岸線到紐約史丹頓島,一片末日荒景充斥著電子垃圾,人們不斷游移在邊緣,不願意進入消費主義掛帥、白人種族主義至上、異性戀主宰的社會。   《鮮殺》作為鄭淑麗首部劇情長片,由知名美籍菲律賓裔作家傑西卡.哈格多恩(Jessica HAGEDORN)編劇,透過科幻場景,揭示全球環境危機與種族主義世界觀環環相扣。片中一對跨種族女同志情侶捲入一場藉由污染的生魚片進行全球工業廢棄物交換的跨國不法勾當,並開始與發展中國家的行動組織結盟,向主流社會反擊。影片結合數位媒體和網路空間題材,呈現網路駭客、公眾廣播、跨國媒體等媒體景觀,不但探討了網路科技的大舉入侵,也預示了未來跨國媒體與資訊駭客之間的衝突。Two young lesbian parents, Shareen and Claire are raising their five year old daughter Honey in a converted garage on Staten Island. Shareen salvages refuse with her pickup truck while Claire waits tables at the hip Naga Saki restaurant in Manhattan, caught up in a global exchange of industrial waste via contaminated sushi. As a ghost barge bearing nuclear refuse circles the planet in search of a willing port, household pets begin to glow ominously and then disappear; people start speaking in tongues. The crisis escalates when a multinational corporation is implicated, the couple's daughter Honey mysteriously vanishes, and a group of young New Yorkers strike back in an unlikely alliance with activists in the developing world.
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