
原名:公主彻夜未眠   又名:Princess In Wonder

状态:13播放   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:08

因車禍失憶的少婦是真的什麼都不記得了,還是不想再去面對黃臉婆的生涯;年輕推銷員的家計重擔,儘管他努力賣錄音帶來支撐,但他真能為年邁又不良於行的母親,以及一再胡作非為的哥哥撐起一片天嗎?鋼琴師的不得志,跟他無法忘記過去的風光,有沒有關係?算命師為什麼就是沒辦法為自己多算點錢進來?然而生命不管遇到什麼樣的遭遇,似乎總會找到一絲絲輾轉生存下去的理由。   這是部描繪人與人之間「距離」的單元劇。改編自成英姝的小說「公主徹夜未眠」。劇中幾段貼近生活,如同發生在你我周遭環境的小故事。除了說人的物質距離,也凸顯了人的心理距離。Mei Chi, an amnesiac following a car accident, deserts her family to hook with up Ah-Liang, a taxi-driver by day and pirate CD salesman by night; Fortune-teller Ren appears on the doorstep of a lotto store owner looking for more than just a place to stay; A sexy bar owner mocks the amorous advances of an impotent musician manqué driving him to seek solace in alcohol. An electrifying black comedy that celebrates the strength of women and taps beneath the veneer of relationships to unveil the honest truth. Upbeat and contemporary in tone, Princess in Wonder is an exploration of the elusive space between men and women and the connection between past, present and future.
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