
原名:Iklimler   又名:适合分手的天气 / 气候 / Climates / Seasons / Les climats

状态:BD   更新:2024-02-10 11:02:52

刚愎自用的大学讲师伊沙(努里·比格·锡兰 Nuri Bilge Ceylan 饰)和身为电视制作人的妻子巴哈(埃伯鲁·锡兰 Ebru Ceylan 饰)正在风景宜人的海滨小镇卡斯度假,但是夫妻俩的情绪却与这里全不搭调。不知何故,他们发生激烈争吵,伊沙更撇下妻子独自回到伊斯坦布尔。在分居两地的日子里,伊沙和昔日女友(Nazan Kesal 饰)重温旧梦,然而他并未沉浸其中,却渐渐体味出妻子的珍贵。他决定启程找回巴哈……   本片荣获2006年土耳其安塔利亚金橙电影节最佳导演、最佳剪辑、最佳音效和最佳女配角(Nazan Kirilmis)等四项大奖;2006年戛纳电影节国际影评人费比西奖;2007年伊斯坦布尔国际电影节土耳其年度最佳影片和人民选择奖。In Turkey, the middle-age University Professor Isa and his younger wife Bahar, who works in television, are spending summer vacation in Kas. After a couple of days, Isa decides to separate from Bahar since they do not communicate with each other. Bahar returns to Istanbul alone and then she travels to the countryside to work in a new project. Meanwhile Isa meets his former lover Serap with his friend Guven and later he rapes her in her house. Then he travels to meet Bahar and propose her to move in together again. What will be her decision?
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