湯姆克利任教於匹茲堡高中歷史部門,由於預算的不足,使他面臨被解僱的困境.他的一名凶橫無理的學生向他挑戰,要他坦白他的過去,瑪麗-湯姆的妻子,面臨精神崩潰的危機,湯姆在失望的情緒下,希望能達到抒解,並得到學生的認同,於是將過去充滿了性醜聞及年輕時闖的禍,包括同伴-佛萊迪溺死,瑪麗的墮胎,哥哥的自殺等,一一呈現在學生面前.....Tom Crick, a high school history teacher, is having trouble connecting - with his class, with his wife. He ventures into telling his class stories about his young adulthood in the Fens district in England. The emotional wounds from his younger life wash over him in present day, affecting his work and his relationships with his students and his wife.
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