
原名:飞虎雄师   又名:The New Option

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:42

飞虎队员阿坚在警方的安排下,成功打入黑社会内部,做起了卧底,黑社会老大肥叔始终怀疑阿坚的身份,屡屡找各个机会来试探阿坚,但阿坚都化险为夷,香港黑社会四大家族火拼九龙湾,一场混战中,阿坚救了肥叔一命,从此,肥叔相信了阿坚。   肥叔计划抢劫金铺失败,肥叔把气发在上次追杀他的黑社会四大家族之一的匡仔身上,准备报复匡仔。为了避免更大规模的流血事件发生,阿坚又将消息传回警局,但还是晚了一步,肥叔的儿子偶遇阿娇,他不知是阿坚的妹妹,阿娇被其强暴,并拍下录像,阿坚不顾队长的劝阻,杀了肥叔的儿子,但不幸暴露了身份。   肥叔抓不到阿坚,一怒之下,杀了阿坚的全家,阿坚终于现身,设计绑架肥叔,阿坚这一行动引来了警方和肥   叔的马仔,黑白两道在九龙湾相遇...Michael Wong returns in this sequel to FIRST OPTION, reprising his role as Stone, the tough-as-nails leader of Hong Kong's elite Flying Tigers. THE NEW OPTION finds Stone looking hard for suitable new recruits, who seem to be few and far between. Forced to lower his standards for admission, Wong's training skills are put to the test by his new class of recruits. However, when a highly trained military-like outfit begins a string of big robberies, it gives some of the newest Flying Tigers a chance to prove their mettle.
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