
原名:魔界転生   又名:Samurai Reincarnation / Makai tenshô

状态:170播放   更新:2023-09-03 05:09:56

宽永十五年,德川幕府打压天主教徒,导致爆发血腥残酷的岛原之乱。在这起事件中,约有两万名天主教徒惨遭杀害。及至深夜,满怀巨大仇恨的教众首领天草四郎时贞(沢田研二 饰)复活,他捐弃信仰,转生魔界,发誓报复幕府统治者。在此之后,他接连将细川夫人(佳那晃子 饰)的怨灵、濒临寿终却心存遗憾的宫本武藏(緒形拳 饰)以及宝藏院胤舜(室田日出男 饰)、遭遇灭族的伊贺忍者雾丸(真田広之 饰)拉入魔界,邪魔的力量陡然倍增。细川化身阿玉迷惑四代将军家纲(松橋登 饰),柳生但马守宗矩(若山富三郎 饰)有心除魔,无奈天不假年,更在弥留之际堕入魔道。柳生十兵卫(千葉真一 饰)成为铲除邪魔外道的最后希望……   本片根据山田风太郎的传奇小说改编。After surviving the slaughter of many Christians 350 years ago, a samurai denounces God for ignoring the pleas of believers. He sells his soul to Satan and receives the power to resurrect the dead to join him in a murderous rampage. He is Shito: he brings to life a woman who was abused by her husband, two swordsmen who want to prove their skill, and a young man yearning for love. Shito leads them in attacks on people powerless in the face of such spirits. It's up to Jubei, the son of one of the resurrected swordsmen, to seek out a maker of swords who can fashion him with a weapon that will kill the undead. Showdowns loom.
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