
原名:Ma vraie vie à Rouen   又名:我的冰上生活 / 我在卢恩的真实生活 / My Life on Ice

状态:正片   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:44

透过摄像机偶尔晃动的画面里是Étienne无法言语的懵懵情愫,对好友Ludo,对自己的地理老师,对花样滑冰的队友。很朦胧却时时刻刻的萦绕在心头。不敢用自己的双眼直接去面对,只能用镜头去捕捉那些人,那些表情,那些感情...   故事从Étienne,一个法国男孩过生日时得到了一部微型摄像机开始,他每天拿着摄像机记录自己和别人的生活。这部电影出自曾经拍摄过《巧克力男孩》的两位电影导演之手。导演在这部作品中作了大胆的尝试,采用主角的第一人称视角,提供给观众大量零散的影像资料,让观众自己捉摸和归纳,深入一个同志男孩的内心世界,情节天真而有趣。   我再次被法国电影这种浪漫婉约派的拍摄手法给打动,没有什么山盟海誓,生死离别,就是娓娓道来的一段生活经历,却如此的吸引你,让人陪着帅气的小男主人公踏上寻爱之旅!My Life on Ice presents the unique point of view of 16-year-old Etienne, a cute would-be ice skating champion living in provincial Rouen who is obsessed with filming his daily life with a digital camera. Told from his subjective perspective, the focus of Etienne's video diary subtly takes shape as he records his single mother, his best friend Ludovic, and, almost stalker-like, his handsome male geography teacher Laurent. Though explaining his goal is to match his mother with Laurent, he gradually comes to the realization that other unconscious desires are motivating him, as hinted at in an intense discussion with Ludovic about the possibility of love between men.
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