
原名:走投有路   又名:古惑双宝 / Runaway

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 11:02:31

阿旦(张家辉 饰)和阿劲(彭敬慈 饰)是情同手足的好兄弟,两人结伴闯荡社会,一起经历过了诸多的风风雨雨。阿旦胆小又贪财,常常惹得一屁股麻烦要阿劲出场帮他善后。一场意外中,阿旦惹恼了黑社会大佬雷气(黄秋生 饰),之后又偷走了黑道大哥豺狼昆(李耀明 饰)的二十万公款。两面夹击之下,阿旦和阿劲只得踏上了逃亡的旅途。   两个落魄的小混混来到了风景秀丽的泰国普吉岛,在那里,他们邂逅了两位清纯可人的可爱少女,双双坠入了爱河。让衰仔们没有想到的是,这两个少女一个是雷气的女友,另一个竟然是杀手。而追随着两人的脚步,雷气亦来到了岛上。Dan and King are small-time Triad members in Hong Kong. After an incident in which their practical joke ends up losing their Boss a huge sum of money, AND in which they steal hundreds of thousands of HK dollars from a rival boss, the two are forced to flee to Phuket, Thailand (because the alternate hideout, China, would be "too boring"). They live the high life in Thailand with their stolen money, partying and falling for two local girls. Soon, the two comically inept Triad bosses come after them, the two girls turn out to be a mute assassin and the girlfriend of one of the Bosses, they escape from organ-harvesting Thais, in typical HK screwball fashion.
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