
原名:賊公子   又名:Super Car Criminals

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-07 12:09:26

迈克尔、雷蒙德、本和罗伊是江湖上人人闻名生畏的偷车大盗,四人各司其职各有所长,配合的天衣无缝,再精密的防盗系统在他们的手中不过就是小孩子过家家的玩具,警方很早就盯上了他们,可是苦于找不到证据一直迟迟无法行动。   实际上,雷蒙德是警方派来的卧底,他的首要目的就是得到盗车集团首领迈克尔的犯罪证据,迈克尔似乎于无意之中得知了雷蒙德的真实身份,但不知为何他并没有做出反应。米琪是迈克尔的妹妹,懵懂无知的她偏偏爱上了英俊帅气的雷蒙德,为了取得迈尔克的信任,雷蒙德只得违背了自己的本意,开始和米琪交往。罗伊嗜赌成性欠下了巨额赌债,作为大哥的迈克尔想要替他出头,而罗伊却决定独自行动,干一票惊天动地的大买卖。Yau, Yeung, and Wong are professionals who steal expensive cars, using technology so advanced that even the police cannot get any clues. A covert detective, Raymond, is assigned to investigate the case. He successfully wins the trust of Yau and also falls in love with his sister. Yau, Yeung and Wong have a conflict of interest, and as a result, their latest operation fails after police close in. During the raid, Raymond makes a terrible mistake...
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