
原名:人間の條件   又名:何以为人(第五、六部) / 做人的条件 / The Human Condition V-VI / 人間の条件 完結篇 第五部死の脱出、第六部曠野の彷徨

状态:HD   更新:2024-02-05 08:02:07

北满洲,梶等残败兵一个劲儿地向南逃。途中遇到逃难的男女老少,虽然帮助他们,但因饥饿疲劳一个个相继死去。梶历尽艰辛来到还残留着日本老人和女人的开拓村,他准备在这里和苏军作战,但是日本女人高喊“别在这里打仗了!”之后,他们开始了俘虏收容所的生活。梶对收容所里桐原这 个卑劣小人,恨之入骨。之后,他又被诬告,被罚作苦役。在森林中忍受苦役后,回到了收容所。当得知自己保护过的弱兵被桐原杀了后,且没被问罪,梶绝望了。他杀了桐原,然后逃出了收容所。他在大雪漫漫的荒原中流浪,念叨着妻子的美好,渐渐地冻僵了。Part three of a trilogy. After the Japanese defeat to the Russians in the last episode, Kaji, the Japanese soldier and humanist protagonist, leads the last remaining men through Manchuria . Intent on returning to his dear wife and his old life, Kaji faces great odds in a variety of different harrowing circumstances as he and his fellow men sneak behind enemy lines. Ultimately, he finds himself in the exact opposite position he held in the first episode: then a labor manager, Kaji is now a prisoner of war, forced to work for the Russians, whom do not seem to hold to the Communist ideals in which Kaji himself had put his faith.
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