
原名:牛棚   又名:China, My Sorrow

状态:HD   更新:2023-09-07 12:09:16

文革期间,戴眼镜的小男孩天奔(Liang Yi Guo 饰)因为听了一张周璇的黑角唱片,而被冠以“散播黄色歌曲”的罪名被发配万寿山接受改造。这里云集了来自四面八方的“牛鬼蛇神”,天奔小小年纪就要遵照管教的命令早晚高唱请愿歌,与其他政治犯一起背粪桶、锄地、劈柴、挑水、做饭,干这一切艰苦而无望的活计。人们在这里被打回原始的状态,生存成了最基本的诉求。在他们当中,似乎只有那个始终含笑不语的哑巴道士处之泰然,然而在这个疯狂的年代里,没有一个人能够超然世外……   本片荣获1989年洛迦诺国际电影节特别提及、1989年法国让•维果奖最佳影片奖。In August 1966, the Cultural Revolution in full swing, 13-year-old Tian Ben is arrested for playing a pop record; he's sent to a remote mountain camp in Niu-Peng. There he's called "Four Eyes" and, with about 16 other older boys and men, he's made to carry muck up a mountainside, make bricks, saw logs, and sing daily to Chairman Mao of his faults. There's camaraderie among the five youths, especially with a young pickpocket named Baimao, and Tian is also drawn to a silent monk who cares for him when he falls ill and the others expect him to die. The camp is remote, so there are no fences or walls. Tian longs to escape.
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