
原名:Matewan   又名:暴乱风云 / 山丘的日子

状态:BD   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:59

1920年代弗吉尼亚某小镇,矿工们不满自己的悲惨待遇举行罢工,矿工由白人矿工为主导,意大利移民坚持下井工作,黑人矿工则被白人矿工视为工贼。Joe,一位抱持和平主义的工运领导者来到这个小镇,希望将工人门组织起来并使用和平、理性、非暴力手段与矿主谈判。他成功的将白人和黑人统一起来,让他们意识到团结才是最有力的武器,但最终他还是失败了,他的和平主义理念无法对抗现实,他在无法避免的枪战中被子弹击中。Mingo County, West Virginia, 1920. Coal miners, struggling to form a union, are up against company operators and the gun thugs of the notorious Baldwin-Felts detective agency. Black and Italian miners, brought in by the company to break the strike, are caught between the two forces. UMWA organizer and dual-card Wobbly Joe Kenehan determines to bring the local, Black, and Italian groups together. While Kenehan and his story are fictional, the setting and the dramatic climax are historical; Sid Hatfield, Cabell C. Testerman, C. E. Lively and the Felts brothers were real-life participants, and 'Few Clothes' is based on a character active several years previously.
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