根据Mitch Albom的最新作品《The Five People You Meet in Heaven》改编,同样讨论人生的生死问题,死亡却从结局演变成了开端,主角Eddie是一名游乐园管理工人,战争时意外的脚伤,让他只能在游乐场日复一日且一拐一拐的巡视整个游乐场。不过在他83岁生日那天,却因一件游乐场的意外,让他在营救一个小女孩时不幸身亡。   当Eddie醒来时,却已身处天堂,他所处的天堂并不是我们想像的伊甸园;相反的却是他生前生活片段的重现,此时五位曾经在Eddie生命中出现的人,再度引领他重新找到他失去的时光,重新认识人类间,关于人性与爱的故事……。On his 83rd birthday, Eddie (Voight), a war vet and a maintenance worker at the Ruby Pier amusement park, dies while trying to save a girl who is sitting under a falling ride. When he awakens in the afterlife, he encounters five people with ties to his corporeal existence who help him understand the meaning of his life.
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