
原名:Johnson Family Vacation   又名:因乜家事周围踪

状态:超清   更新:2023-09-07 01:09:36

内特(塞德里克·凯尔斯 Cedric the Entertainer 饰)是一个五口之家的当家主,妻子桃乐西(范妮莎·L·威廉姆斯 Vanessa Williams 饰)是一个满腹牢骚的女人,夫妻两人育有两女一儿,他们分别是整天幻想着要成为嘻哈歌手的DJ(宝娃 Bow Wow 饰)、沉浸在自己的公主梦世界里的尼基(索朗·诺尔斯 Solange Knowles 饰)和尚且年幼天真烂漫的戴思妮(Gabby Soleil 饰)。   一家五口正在筹备一场为期3天,横跨1500英里的旅程,他们打算从老家加利福尼亚出发,前往密西西比州。哪知道旅程才刚刚开始,他们所驾驶的汽车就坏了,这为这段旅程奠定了混乱的基调。麻烦不断的发生,且看这一家人如何凭借着他们之间紧密的亲情见招拆招。AAA can't help the roadside emergency that is the JOHNSON FAMILY VACATION. Even the on-board navigation system has a meltdown on Nate Johnson and his family's cross-country trek to their annual family reunion/grudge match. Reluctantly along for the ride are Nate's wife, who's only in it for the kids; their rapper-wannabe son; their teenage daughter who's fashioned herself as the next Lolita; and their youngest, whose imaginary dog Nate just can't seem to keep track of. Can the Johnsons survive each other and all the obstacles the road throws at them to make it to Caruthersville, Missouri? Can they find Missouri?
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