
原名:Invisible Stripes   又名:

状态:50播放   更新:2023-09-03 03:09:56

克里夫和查克一起从狱中释放回到社会,克里夫已经金盆洗手,此时他只想过上正常人的普通生活,但他无法抵挡查克的诱惑又重新回到犯罪团伙中,当他赚够了让弟弟结婚和买仓库做生意的钱后他这次打算永远从黑帮中隐退,但又一次他为了解救困境中的查克时,让他走上了不归路。Cliff and Chuck leave prison together. Cliff tries the straight life but falls back into crime with Chuck and his gang. When he makes enough to enable his brother Tim to buy a garage and marry his sweetheart, Cliff quits crime again. But when he tries to help Chuck later on, he's implicated again.
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