
原名:Örökbefogadás   又名:收养 / 养女 / Adoption

状态:已完结   更新:2024-05-03 10:05:41

《收养》adoption:KINO一区版,全屏4:3黑白,匈牙利语dd,中英文字幕,片长89分钟。   匈牙利1975年玛特美莎露丝(《私人日记》)执导的经典名片,荣获柏林电影节金熊奖、人道主义精神奖、国际电影联盟奖。   简介:两名现代匈牙利妇女卡塔与安娜,虽然身处不同阶级家庭,有着不同的政治和经济地位,但作为女人她们却有着类似的悲惨命运。影片以写实的基调温情地描绘两个女人之间复杂而亲密的关系,在冰冷的社会里筑起一道属于女性的湿软的围墙。Single factory worker Kata, 43, wants to have a child with her long-time secret lover, a married man called Joska. He doesn't like the idea. Kata befriends teenage schoolgirl Anna, abandoned by her parents at the age of six. Anna runs away from the local children's home and moves in with Kata so that she can keep on seeing her boyfriend Sanyi. Kata goes to see Anna's parents and persuades them to give the young lovers their permission to marry. Through Anna, Kata becomes interested in neglected children and decides to adopt a baby from the children's home.
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