
原名:Man of the House   又名:

状态:184播放   更新:2023-09-07 02:09:35

父母离婚之后,年纪轻轻的本(乔纳森·泰勒·托马斯Jonathan Taylor Thomas 饰)便和母亲桑迪(费拉·福赛特 Farrah Fawcett 饰)一同过起了相依为命的生活。特殊的家庭环境让本和母亲之间的关系格外亲密,所以,当桑迪告诉本她即将和名为杰克(切维·切斯 Chevy Chase 饰)的男人结婚之时,本的无法接受和激烈反抗也在情理之中。   杰克是一名风度翩翩的检察官,为了为难这个“抢走自己母亲”的男人,本想出了许许多多的损招,只要一想到杰克因为出丑而尴尬万分的模样,本就觉得高兴。和杰克过不去的不仅仅只有本一人,一帮黑手党份子亦将这个紧追不舍的“猎手”当做眼中钉肉中刺,腹背受敌的杰克会想出怎样的对策呢?Ben Archer is not happy. His mother, Sandy, has just met a man, and it looks like things are pretty serious. Driven by a fear of abandonment, Ben tries anything and everything to ruin the "love bubble" which surrounds his mom. However, after Ben and Jack's experiences in the Indian Guides, the two become much closer.
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