
原名:Animal Farm   又名:动物庄园 / 猪狗大战人类世界

状态:BD   更新:2023-09-03 03:09:14

电影改编自乔治奥威尔的经典同名小说。琼斯先生(皮特·波斯尔思韦特 Pete Postlethwaite 饰)经营着一间农场,然而,他的心思却全然没有放在如何照顾好自己的动物们身上,他沉迷于打猎和喝酒,整日浑浑噩噩。在连续两天都没有吃饭的情况下,动物们愤怒了,它们设计将琼斯先生赶出了农场,自己当家做主。   就在大家以为公平自由的生活即将来临之时,公猪拿破仑(帕特里克·斯图尔特 Patrick Stewart 配音)站了出来,在它的领导之下,动物们每日依旧要干活,依旧过着受冻挨饿的日子,而拿破仑呢,喝着牛奶吃着面包,体型日益肥硕起来。动物们受到了拿破仑的蒙骗,将它的话视作圣旨,却依然无法改变被奴役的命运。A satire of Stalinist Russia, Animal Farm tells of the revolt of the animals of Manor Farm against their human masters. Led by the pigs Snowball (Lenin) and Napoleon (Stalin), the animals attempt to create a utopian society. Soon, however, Napoleon gets a taste for power, drives out Snowball, and establishes a totalitarian regime as brutal and corrupt as any human society. Manor Farm becomes a world where all animals are equal--but some are more equal than others.
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