
喜剧  美国  1980  英语   法语 

原名:Nine to Five   又名:九点到五点

状态:高清   更新:2023-12-06 10:12:50

朱迪(简·方达 Jane Fonda 饰)、瓦莱特(莉莉·汤普琳 Lily Tomlin 饰)和朵拉莉(多莉·帕顿 Dolly Parton 饰)共同在一间法人公司工作,三名女性有着不同的人生轨迹和迥异的个性,却同时因为上司富兰克林(达布尼·柯尔曼 Dabney Coleman 饰)的存在而感到痛苦不堪。   富兰克林是一个彻彻底底的伪君子,在工作中总是有意无意的排挤和歧视女雇员,与此同时,他还是个乐于听闻阿谀奉承之词的浅薄之徒,在他的管控之下,公司内的氛围十分紧张。一次偶然之中,朱迪、瓦莱特和朵拉莉竟然在误打误撞之中绑架了富兰克林,将他囚禁起来,之后,三人在公司进行了一场大改革。Meet Franklin Hart ('Coleman'). The biggest 'sexist egotistical lying hypocritical bigot' boss on the planet. He thrills in taking advantage of his head female office staff; humiliating, downplaying, and condescending against them whenever conveniently possible, particularly his top assistant Violet ('Tomlin'). Long exhausted over his gruesome bullishness, Violet, alongside coworkers Doralee ('Parton') and Judy ('Fonda') comprise comical methods of "doing him in", when a freak incident occurs. They then manage to kidnap Hart and trap him in his own house, while assuming control of his department, and productivity leaps. But just how long can they keep him tied up?
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