
原名:Return from the River Kwai   又名:Return from the River Kwai

状态:38播放   更新:2023-09-03 02:09:48

故事发生在1945年2月,一批被关押在泰国坎博里劳工营里的战俘,被日本军方下令,长途转移,押送回日本本土。在运送途中,波折不断,当地游击队的拦截,战俘的逃跑都被无情而残酷地镇压。最终这批战俘,在越南西贡登上货船巴西丸号,由军舰护卫,前往日本。在海上航行的日日夜夜里,战俘们遭受了地狱般的折磨和煎熬。由英军少校本福德和澳籍中校亨特率领,他们忍无可忍奋起反抗,夺下了货船的控制权。而此时,一艘美军潜艇由于不知内情,受上级指令向所有悬挂日本旗帜的船只开火,数枚鱼雷击中货船,战俘们再一次面临巨大的生死考验......A group of war prisoners has spilt blood, sweat and tears to construct a bridge over the river Kwai in Thailand. Just when the bridge is ready, an American bomber arrives and destroys it. Camp commander Tanaka wants to set an example and orders that some of the prisoners must be executed. Just in time major Harada arrives with orders that the healthiest prisoners must be transported to Japan by train and boat. A treacherous journey since the allied forces keep a close eye on railroads and practically own the seas. The prisoners are thinking of plans to escape. Meanwhile the American bomber has been shot down and its pilot, Leyland Crawford, is being rescued by the indigenous people, the Meo. The Meo have formed a resistance group against the Japanese, led by the British colonel Grayson.
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