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原名:つぐみ   又名:Tsugumi

状态:85播放   更新:2023-09-03 11:09:48

鸫是一名十八岁的少女,自幼体弱多病,在家人的宠爱呵护中长大。表亲玛利亚从小和鸫一起长大,两人的感情一直很好。在东京读大学的玛利亚,接受了鸫与其姐阳子的邀请前往西伊豆度暑假。一个在美术馆工作名叫恭一的青年突然闯进了她们三人平静的生活,鸫爱上了恭一。而一群暗恋鸫的不良少年伺机将恭一痛打了一顿,继而又杀死了鸫的爱犬。鸫为了报复用尽气力挖了一个大坑作为陷阱,自己因此病倒。假期结束返回东京的玛利亚收到了鸫的一封信,内容仿佛遗书一般。无比担心的玛利亚立刻打电话给鸫,而听筒里却传来了让她深感意外的声音……Tugumi, who lives in a small seaside town, has been in delicate health from birth. Her parents spoiled her and she is rough and selfish. However, a few people are attracted by her beauty and unique character. In this summer, Tugumi loves Kyoichi Takahashi, who works in the art gallery of the town. One of Tugumi's old boy friends, the leader of bad boys, attacks Kyoichi and kills Tugumi's pet dog from jealousy. Tugumi plans revenge.
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