这不是一部普通的纪录片,而是透过意大利电影大师费德里克.费里尼独特的艺术家眼光为罗马古都写出来的一篇个人回忆录。全片打破传统叙事手法,以现实与超现实场面交叉穿梭进行,渗入了大量的幻觉和回忆,充分表现出费德里克.费里尼个人对罗马的爱恋,也让观众看到了这个城市隐蔽着的另一面。男星彼得.龚扎莱斯在片中饰演年轻时代的费德里克.费里尼,而费德里克.费里尼则演出他自己,在片中可以看到马戏团对费氏作品根深蒂固的影响。也可以从中揣摩出费尼电影风格的一些基本特质,喜爱他的影迷不容错过。A virtually plotless, gaudy, impressionistic portrait of Rome through the eyes of one of its most famous citizens. blending autobiography (a reconstruction of Fellini's own arrival in Rome during the Mussolini years; a trip to a brothel and a music-hall) with scenes from present-day Roman life (a massive traffic jam on the autostrada; a raucous journey through Rome after dark; following an archaeological team through the site of the Rome subways; an unforgettable ecclesiastical fashion show)
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